ChatGPT API Playground

. 2 mins read

ChatGPT API Playground

For the latest and greatest version of the tool, please visit ChatGPT PlayGround .

ChatGPT Playground

By checking save, the encrypted form of your API key will be stored in the local storage of your browser.

I suggest you to read our article on Getting Started with ChatGPT API before using this tool. That will give you a good idea of what these fields represent.

Getting Started with ChatGPT API: A Comprehensive Guide
03 Mar 2023

Learn how to use ChatGPT API to create powerful and accurate natural language applications with our comprehensive guide for developers and businesses.

Just like the ChatGPT Playground, this tool helps you in playing with the ChatGPT model. It is a simple web app that lets you have a chat with ChatGPT using the API.



  1. Provide prompts as System, User, or Assistant.
  2. Switch the roles of each message.
  3. Add new messages.
  4. Delete any irrelevant messages.
  5. Export the chat as Markdown file.
  6. Export the chat as HTML file.
  7. Export the code that generated the chat as a Python file.

Future plans

  1. Create a standalone tool and make the code open source.
  2. Add more API settings like temperature, top_p, and max_tokens.
  3. Add more programming language exports like JavaScript, C#, and PHP.
  4. Option to save chats to local and load it later to continue conversation.


How to get API Key?

You can get API Key by visiting and clicking on “Get API Key” button.

How does save API key work?

API Key get stored in your browser’s local storage. This means that it is stored in your browser and not on our site. The key is stored in an encrypted format and is not accessible to us.

Can you access the chats I make?

No, we cannot access the chats you make. This tool just acts as an interface for ChatGPT API. We do not have access or store any of your chats.


  • AI
Getting Started with ChatGPT API: A Comprehensive Guide
03 Mar 2023

Learn how to use ChatGPT API to create powerful and accurate natural language applications with our comprehensive guide for developers and businesses.

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